Facebook has almost 2 billion users who share the details of their lives on a regular basis.
Be careful what you post online, particularly if you have been injured in a car accident. What you post may be used as evidence against you. Social media can provide opposing counsel with information to discredit your injury. Do not share information about the accident or any subsequent doctor visits.
Let’s assume for a moment that you have been injured in a car accident and are attending follow up appointments at the hospital. Checking in, sharing hospital photos, cheering about good days or lamenting about bad days gives the opposing party information about you that they should not have. Do not help their case or give them an excuse to claim that you are not seriously injured.
Check your privacy settings to make sure no one can search your profile and find out information about you prior to the accident. A broken leg from 5 years ago may be enough for the defense to discredit your current claims.
Do not accept new friend requests from people you do not know. It is best to ignore new friend requests while your case is pending.
Have you ever googled yourself? Now is a good time to. Google your name, your email address and your phone number. Pay attention to what comes up, and notify your attorney if there is anything that may impact your case.
Sharing status updates is a part of our daily life. Protect yourself from innocent mistakes by not discussing your case or injuries in any way.