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Home 9 Car Accidents 9 3 tips for documenting your New York vehicle accident

3 tips for documenting your New York vehicle accident

by | Jun 5, 2023 | Car Accidents

Many vehicle accidents result in property damage only, allowing the involved parties to escape injury. Unfortunately, others end more tragically, with one or more victims suffering severe injuries.

Of course, you want to get what you deserve in your accident claim, but your words alone may not be sufficient to convey your losses. That is where the art of documenting an accident scene comes into play. The tips below may help you visually show how the crash affected your life.

Get an early start

Try recording the accident scene before the vehicles are moved or taken away. This will give the insurance company a clear picture of the crash scene. Capture different angles, and include any hazardous road conditions (potholes, debris, etc.).

Capture all damage

Take several pictures, including closeups, of all damage your vehicle sustained. Since some damage may not be immediately apparent, look everywhere, including the interior and under the hood. Consider placing a coin or pencil next to smaller damaged items or parts to establish scale.

Photograph your injuries

Showing the physical harm you suffered in the collision can support your right to receive injury compensation. Take pictures from a few feet away to show what areas of your body were injured, and then take some closeups to demonstrate the severity of your injuries.

Those severely injured in a crash may not be physically able to document a car accident scene. In such situations, ask someone to record the details of the accident in your stead. If this isn’t an option, send someone to take photos of the crash site as soon as possible, even if no evidence remains. It may still help you prove your case.

Legal guidance and knowledge of New York’s complicated accident and injury laws can help ensure your compensation rights remain protected.

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