With summer in the rearview mirror and the winter months closing in fast, it’s important to adjust your approach to the road.
There are many risks associated with wintertime driving in Saratoga Springs, including but not limited to the following:
- Slick roadways: From rain to snow to ice, you’re always at risk of losing control of your vehicle on a slick roadway. Protect against this by slowing down.
- Limited visibility: If you’ve ever driven in a snow or ice storm, you know just how difficult it can be to see what’s happening around you. With limited visibility, it’s difficult to see the road, traffic lines, other vehicles and traffic signs.
- Blowing debris: When the wind picks up, debris can be thrown onto the road. This ranges from trash cans to sticks and everything in between.
- Standing water: Rain or melting snow can result in standing water on the road. If you hit a puddle at a high rate of speed, there’s always a chance your vehicle could hydroplane. And if that happens, you’ll no longer have full control.
- Vehicle breakdown: Cold weather has the potential to take its toll on your vehicle. For example, your battery may give out, thus stranding you on the side of a busy roadway.
How to protect yourself
If you’re not comfortable driving during the winter months, do your best to limit the amount of time you spend on the road. For instance, if you know there’s a snow storm moving into the area, make plans to stay at home until the weather clears.
While driving, always obey the rules of the road while keeping a close eye on other vehicles. Just because you change your approach to the road with safety in mind doesn’t mean that every other driver will do the same.
If one of the risks above results in a motor vehicle accident, pull to safety and call 911 for help. Depending on the circumstances, you may need to administer first aid until help arrives.
Once you receive treatment and review your insurance policy, you can file a claim and take other steps to protect your legal rights.