Back pain is one of the most common reasons people miss work. It’s also a leading cause of disability around the country. Unfortunately, it’s also a common injury in car accidents, slip and fall accidents and more. You have rights if you were injured in an accident...
Personal Safety
How a culture of busy-ness promotes dangerous driving
As a society, Americans frown on laziness. Many people pride themselves on their work ethic and may even brag about how many hours a week they put in at their job or how little they sleep at night because of everything they do. Some people prioritize their job so much...
Do you know the dangers of walking near construction zones?
Most people know that construction is dangerous, but their concept of the risk it creates usually stops with acknowledging that construction work is a dangerous career path. What people don't always realize is that construction is also dangerous to the general public....
Summer Driving Tips
Vacations will most likely involve more driving this year as people avoid air travel. Be mindful on the roads. Make sure your car is serviced and in good working order Check for recalls Check your tires, lights, fluids, belts & hoses, wiper blades and...
What does it mean to have a Whiplash Injury?
One of the most common injuries you may suffer in a car accident is whiplash. Whiplash occurs when your head and neck jerk forward and backwards due to the impact of a crash. Damage to your neck’s nerves and soft tissue can result. Symptoms of Whiplash: Severe neck...
The Dangers of Driving While Fatigued
Being tired while driving is a recipe for disaster. Your reaction times are slower, your judgement is impaired, and you can become moody and aggressive. The NHTSA estimates that drowsiness contributes to more than 100,000 collisions each year resulting in 1,500 deaths...
Why You Must Maintain Your Vehicle
New York State requires vehicles to be in good working order. A properly functioning vehicle helps to prevent accidents. Every motor vehicle driven on public roadways needs to have at a minimum: Adequate brakes Steering that is in good working order A horn Wipers At...